Tomb Raider HQ
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About Tomb Raider HQ
The goal of Tomb Raider HQ is to provide an archival source for Tomb Raider news and images, in as simple a format as possible, and uncluttered by ads, tedious navigation, overwhelming menus, watermarks, etc. - basically, anything that stands between you and awesome Tomb Raider content!
The most recent updates across the site will always appear in the "Latest Updates" section above. From the top menu, check out "News" for important and breaking developments in the world of Tomb Raider, "Events" for event coverage, "Features" for editorial pieces, downloads and other special content, and the "Archives" for the latest original Tomb Raider assets, from screenshots to concept art.
The most recent updates across the site will always appear in the "Latest Updates" section above. From the top menu, check out "News" for important and breaking developments in the world of Tomb Raider, "Events" for event coverage, "Features" for editorial pieces, downloads and other special content, and the "Archives" for the latest original Tomb Raider assets, from screenshots to concept art.
What does HQ stand for?
HQ stands for High Quality! Thanks to my previous membership in Crystal's Official Fansite Program, I received high quality assets to share with you. My aim is to preserve and deliver these assets to you as untouched as possible. I will often prefix the filenames for organizational purposes, and if the original file is a TIF (which have quite large file sizes), I'll save it as a lossless PNG instead, but I'll never add compression or reduce the resolution of the assets I archive here.
About Me
My name is Brandon Klassen, and I'm a Tomb Raider fan who lives in Canada. Please contact me if you have any comments or questions about the site!